Wednesday, February 5, 2014


It was a long time coming but we finally had sun today - warmed the Gulf a full degree and a half. Will not be long before we will be watching the dolphin looking for fish and our fishing can begin - in the meantime, the pelicans are cruising about but not much diving - not sure I blame them considering the water temp these days.
The activity level here is amazing - gym early this morning while T was at water aerobics then a fierce 2 hour game of WALLY BALL - played in a racket ball court with  a net and anything goes - well - almost anything. Elder rules of every serve SOMEONE gets a point so we get to 21 pretty quickly. Time to head back to the jacuzzi and a hot soak before social hour where the ladies outdo each other with goodies - no need for dinner tonight.
There is WIZARD in the main lobby tonight but I'm going to pass - T will partake.
Tomorrow is another busy day as well and will fill everyone in on the activities as they happen.
Here Comes the SUN!! WHOOPEE  The sunrise this morning 2/5/14

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