Wednesday, February 26, 2014

O Gauge Model Rail Road

Travelled to Foley Alabama yesterday and visited a couple of great tourist places - the first was a Hospital museum vintage 1880 and all the instruments that were used back then. Much was a little creepy for me but fascinating for T. But what they had saved all these years was remarkable. There were 10 rooms and each had a purpose - operating room, XRay, quackery (their word not mine) items that were said to not only hurt the patient but kill them in some cases. Old manuscripts and journals lent a good deal to the authenticity.
From there we walked to the end of the block to an original Rexall Drug Store - complete with soda fountain, 10 cent coffee and myriad other things that were older than me!! Goodness gracious.
We finished our tour with a visit to the most extraordinary train layout I've ever seen. Valued at nearly a half million dollars it was huge and beyond description. In addition to the obvious trains, there was a car wash with a car that went through, a fire downtown with an extra fire engine leaving the station and driving to the fire, bells, sirens and whistles going all the way. There was also a drive in movie (Casablanca was playing) and a circus with a couple tents and a working ferris wheel.   The highlight of the layout was a 1/4 scale replica of a local oil refinery that was completed 30 years ago to the tune of $30,000.  No estimate of what it might cost today. Below are a few of the pictures that give you a slight idea of what it was like.
Missed a section to the left

The Circus with a huge wooden bridge in the background

Panorama of the entire layout - oil refinery far right 
And we even spotted a couple cars from the State of Maine Whoopee

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